Friday, June 5, 2020

Measure Your Blood Sugar. Easy and Hassle-Free Acupuncture

When to measure your blood sugar, by performing a blood sugar test with an easy and practically painless blood sample, through correct acupuncture.

  • What is blood sugar
  • Blood glucose values
  • When to measure your blood sugar
  • Blood glucose monitoring
  • How blood sugar is measured
  • Acupuncture: an easy and hassle-free blood sample

What is blood sugar

Blood sugar represents the concentration of glucose in the blood . Glucose is a fundamental sugar for the life of the organism, it represents the main nutrient of all cells that use it as an energy source, glucose is present in the blood that carries it throughout the body.

The foods introduced by our usual diet are the main source of glucose , which is why proper nutrition is so important in people with diabetes .

Our body has a blood sugar regulation system that, in healthy subjects, allows you to keep blood sugar values ​​relatively constant throughout the day. The regulation of blood sugar within our body takes place through the intervention of specific substances ( hormones ) that lower its value , hypoglycemic agents such as insulin , or raise it, hyperglycemic agents such as glucagon .

In particular, insulin, a hormone produced by the beta cells of the pancreas, is essential for the absorption and metabolism of sugars.

In people with diabetes mellitus , a disease characterized by an increase in blood glucose, it is very important to keep blood glucose values under control, keeping them, throughout the day, as much as possible within normal blood glucose values.

Blood glucose values

In simple terms, diabetes is defined as "well controlled" or "in good glycemic compensation" when, throughout the day, the blood glucose values ​​are stable and close to normal ones.

Normal blood glucose values are between:

  • Fasting and before meals glucose values ​​70-125 mg / dL
  • Blood glucose values ​​2 hours after meals lower than 160-180 mg / dL.

If the value exceeds the limits therefore> 125 mg / dL and when there are concomitant factors such as familiarity, age> 55 years, hypertension, overweight, obesity, sedentary life, it may be very useful to carry out the glucose load test

The glucose load test (OGTT) is performed by making a first fasting blood sample, a second and a third sample after asking the patient to drink 75 grams of sugar dissolved in water.

We talk about diabetes if one of the blood glucose values ​​of the curve is higher than normal: fasting blood glucose higher than 92 mg / dl, blood glucose after one hour higher than 180 mg / dl or after two hours higher than 153 mg / dl. In cases where the load curve is brought forward to the 16th week and is at that moment with values ​​within normal limits, it is necessary to repeat the test between the 24th-28th week.

When to measure your blood sugar

To answer the question "When is blood sugar measured?" you have to ask yourself why check your blood sugar?

There are three possible answers:

  • to better understand the effects on blood sugar of what we do and make increasingly adequate and healthy choices;
  • to prevent possible hypoglycaemias;
  • to provide the doctor with data to understand the evolution of diabetes and the effectiveness of therapy.

No answer alone is exhaustive, the diabetologist needs to have information on the trend of blood glucose in the day and over a period. It is equally evident that people who take insulin, or oral hypoglycaemic drugs such as sulfonylureas or glinides, must be able to verify immediately, wherever they are, whether a certain symptom, malaise or discomfort is a sign of an initial hypoglycaemia.

Measuring your blood sugar at the same time, would mean using blood glucose monitoring in an extremely limited way. The recommendations for a correct blood glucose management concern the setting of a precise method that includes measurements throughout the day:

  • on an empty stomach before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner to check the effects of the current therapy (target values ​​70-125 mg / dL)
  • 2 hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner to check the effect of the meal on blood sugar (target values ​​<180 mg / dL)

and annotations of these measurements with any notes, a real diary, will help a lot (with the advice of our doctor) the management of blood glucose, using the practical tools available for everyone such as the Glycemic Diary or an app everything will be much simpler .

Blood glucose monitoring

The person who has just started dealing with their diabetes also benefits from blood sugar monitoring . We all know which activities can raise blood sugar and which can lower it. But is it important to be aware of how much that dish, that dessert, that Sunday spent on the sofa watching television, increased the concentration of glucose in my blood?

You cannot control what is not measured. In addition, it is good practice to get used to always and carefully fill in the blood glucose diary and to go to visits also with the glucometer to be able to download the stored data. These attitudes enrich the information available to the diabetes team and represent an added value to the practice of home self-monitoring.

How blood sugar is measured

Blood glucose measurement systems, self- monitoring
Knowing the blood glucose values ​​throughout the day is very useful not only for the diabetic, but also for the diabetologist who will thus have all the elements to improve the effectiveness of the therapy. Self-monitoring of blood glucose must be an integral part of a "therapeutic education" program to be carried out in agreement between the doctor and the patient, in order to adapt the lifestyle and drugs, to achieve the agreed objectives.

Monitoring through glucometer

 Today with the  glucose meter you can make all the necessary measurements , alone, directly at home, easily and according to the recommended frequency. They allow to measure the blood glucose on capillary blood obtained by the puncture of the fingertip. The drop of blood is placed on a test strip inserted into the meter for reading.

Not all glucometers are the same, they differ in technical characteristics, precision and accuracy compared to a laboratory value

Acupuncture: an easy and hassle-free blood sample

Some tips to obtain reliable results and reduce the pain of acupuncture:
1. Warm, clean, dry hands For optimal self-control, before performing the examination, you should wash your hands with warm water and soap, then dry them very well.

2. Choosing the right injection site The optimal point for acupuncture is the side of the fingertip.
3. Press the lancing device firmly against the skin The intensity with which the lancing device is pressed against the fingertip affects the depth of penetration.
4. Change the hand regularly. The hands should be replaced after each puncture. Reusing them can cause infections at the injection site and cause them to lose their perfect sharpening or deform them increasing pain.
5. Change your finger each time. It is a good idea to use all your fingers in rotation, avoiding to prick yourself in the same place twice in a row.

Personalization and speed of acupuncture

The lancing systems on the market today are designed taking into account the composition of the skin in order to allow a simple and painless blood sampling, if the following precautions are respected.

Customize the depth for the blood glucose test
The lancet should puncture the skin to an appropriate depth to obtain the optimal amount of blood for the blood glucose test.
A puncture done too deep can increase pain, on the contrary, if the depth is insufficient, the drop of blood produced may be too scarce and therefore a further puncture would be necessary to allow the execution of the glycemic test. It is therefore important to adjust the depth of penetration, according to the thickness of the skin of the individual subject, thus allowing the customization of the depth of penetration and minimizing pain.

Choose the appropriate site

The capillary blood necessary for the determination of blood glucose can be collected at different points of the body (e.g. earlobe, forearm, palm, thighs, calf), but the accuracy of the measurement varies from site to site, since it can respond in a way different to fast changes in blood sugar.
Blood sampling from the fingertip is very simple to perform and the measurement results are very precise. In order to obtain an adequate quantity of blood for the execution of the glycemic test with minimal pain, it is advisable to position the lancet laterally to the fingertip, near the nails of one of the central fingers, without insisting several times in a row in the same area.

"High speed" puncture

The term high speed puncture refers to a linear and fast movement of the hand, which allows to reduce the laceration of the skin, as puncture is performed faster, stimulating the nerve endings in a lesser way.
An irregular movement of the hand could cause a greater laceration of the skin, while a linear and guided movement makes a precise and delicate puncture with less pain.

How to reduce the pain of acupuncture?

Avoiding to prick the fingertip frontally, that is perpendicular to the palm of the hand for two reasons:
1. because the fingertip is rich in nerve endings and therefore the puncture hurts more
2. because, using the fingers after the puncture, you risk create a small scar callus. Change the needle with each test because it can lose sharpening or deform, increasing pain.